The App
Proofster is built to increase the conversion rate of merchants’ stores by more than 20%. To achieve this, merchants can use up to 20 custom pop-ups (including Conversion Counter, Live Counter, Call To Action, and more) and up to 4 bars notifications (Informational Bar, Collector Bar, Button Bar, and Coupon Bar). The number of pop-ups and bar notifications available to each merchant depends on the merchant’s subscription plan.
“Proofster skyrocketed my business within days from installing it!”
“Proofster skyrocketed my business within days from installing it!”
The All-in-One Social Utility Pack
Proofster is built to create FOMO, leverage social proof, and drive engagement that align with each merchant’s business objectives and specific needs. To deliver a more personalized shopping experience (which results in a higher conversion rate), merchants can use the Custom Branding functionality and customize their notifications.

Quick and Easy Installation and Setup

App Stats
32 k
Number of Active
Overall rating
on Shopify App Store

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